Been thinking a lot about...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

(images aside from my photo found here)

Like. A lot.

Have you created a Pinterest board specifically for your business brand? As I'm making changes, I'm literally flipping back and forth between my design and my board. Try it if you haven't. Here's mine. Pin ONLY what you do not hesitate to say "that is absolutely me."

So yeah, when you see coral -- think of me. Cause this color is taking over my miiiiind!

p.s. Getting a hair cut today! Want to clean up my bangs to more of a side-swoop. And if I dare, possibly chop the length. I might start slow first and just get a few inches. Who knows ;)


  1. Hi Ale!

    I completely stumbled upon your blog by accident. It gave me a real kick up the butt to stop being so lazy and re-inspired me. I totally love your style and your philosophies! I'd totally love to get into proper contact with you (emailing) to pick your brains and discuss photography!



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