But the combination of very encouraging parents, the willingness to act foolish, and a crate full of apples ... you end up with some really beautiful moments.

If you remember the engagement session with Devon, Jessica was actually her hair dresser. She contacted me to ask about a family session and the two of us started planning right away. I asked about her boys, we planned their outfits via my pinterest, and I loved how Jessica was so excited and open to my ideas.

Gabriel and the boys adore Jessica. When a dad is so engaging with his children, I just think about the strength of a family and the Gallegos most certainly have that.

Remember, I said adore? Yep. This photo was moments after Gabriel leaned in and surprised Jessica with a kiss.

A few months ago I decided that I would always make time for just mom and dad during family sessions by asking them to bring another adult to watch the kids. Because, really, the core of the family are the parents... a love that should always be celebrated and not forgotten :)
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