Day 23: Eyebrows

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today's feminine interpretation is: eyebrows. Eyebrows can add a feminine touch to a face -- I mean, I've even seen guys who get their eyebrows done and think it gives them a feminine touch. I know some need a little cleaning, but shape too? Anyway :) I get mine threaded! I love that with threading they're very detailed and the concept of pulling eyebrow hair with a thread still blows me away.

Today was awesome. I got my second fitting on my wedding dress- basically where it is sewn but not stitched so that she can confirm it before she "seals the deal" and it was perfect! What a difference to see it in your size! And then my amazing girl friends came over to help me with the wedding invites. Geez, that is time-consuming! I can't even fathom trying to do it without them. I'm so thankful and now exhausted :)

"I feel if I'm lucky, I'll fall in love. If I'm unlucky, I'll fall and hit my head." -Emmy Gay, comic relief

To participate in my 100 day challenge, submit your photo representing your interpretation of "feminine" and about a paragraph describing your interpretation to -- Read more about it here.


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