Where do I start with this guy?
He turns on the latest Willow Smith song for us to dance to while we're brushing our teeth, I call him at least 3 times a day to ask "okay, what do you think about this?" Nine times out of ten when he says he has a "surprise" for me -- it's food. The man knows me. Let's not mention the fact that he looks THAT good assisting me at a wedding. But even more than any of that, he has made me so proud of the leadership roles he has taken on these past few months.
We're leading our own small group! It will officially start next week. I've come downstairs quite a few nights to find Jose sprawled on his stomach - propped on his elbows (his favorite "working" position) - staring at and scribbling on his notebook. He is setting goals, he has reached out to people, and I love and admire the fire in his heart for this group.
Ok. So maybe sometimes his
Such a lovely and sweet post. :)