Here we are... the conclusion of my unplanned shoot.
I realize that I failed to tell you a bit about Ana. I'm pretty sure Ana is somehow related to me -- and not because both of our dad's are from Uruguay -- but because we are insanely ALIKE.
The talking, the obsession with food, the love of fashion, and in other less obvious ways. Like the ease in picking up the phone to ask each other the smallest of opinions; our natural tendencies to host people, feed them, and be extremely expressive in our interactions. I can't describe what it's like when the two of us hang out together. Our husbands just roll their eyes and leave us be ;)
Or as Jose would say, we are cut from the same tree.
Whatever the expression, I'm very grateful to have met Ana and that we unite like family :) She rocks her beauty both inside and out.
Don't you love collar bones? Just me? It creates these grooves and curves that, to me, fall in the same category as low backs -- these subtle elements that just roar femininity.
Roar. I like that word :)
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