As I opened my doors (and my life) to the wedding industry this season, I look back and feel blessed and grateful. Thankful mainly for the relationships I have made with the brides and their families. For their trust, their affection, and their love of photography. Honestly, if I had to put into words my ideal client I would say... that they absolutely love photography as moments of art. When the mother of the bride holds back the tears and grips her daughter's hand, the outstretched arms of women lacing up the bride's dress, the ring bearer who is propped on 2 chairs -- sleeping while the guests dance the night away. Big or little, wedding or not -- I love recording moments.
Who knows what next year will bring, but if you were in front of my lens -- thank you. To my brides -- thank you. If you read my blog -- thank you. To those who commented or "liked" or e-mailed --- thank you. Thank you for growing with me. For pushing and challenging me.
In wrapping up my last wedding of this season, I had to post one last teaser. Next week... you will see this beauty in its entirety. Who knew I was going to get all emotional like this!! Oh, you're not surprised? Hm. Well. Did I mention I'm an emotional photographer? ;)
What an awesome year! Thank you for working so hard to be more than a photographer for everyone. And of course, thank you for training me! Looking forward to 2012!