Her words so simple, and her photo so impacting: Flowers ... "They are delicate. Subtle. Colorful. Fragrant. Alive. Vibrant. Powerful. Soft. Sexy. Feminine."

You will be blown away by the work she has produced, traveling the world. There are two more images I will feature of hers, so I know you'll be looking forward to that! Make sure you check out her work -- simply incredible.
p.s. Sorry for the delayed post! I got back late last night and had to finish packing because Jose's parents are coming tomorrow to pick up my stuff. Bear with me in these next few weeks as I venture to move out, get married, travel Spain, and move to Arizona!
"Taste is the feminine of genius." -- Edward Fitzgerald
To participate in my 100 day challenge, submit your photo representing your interpretation of "feminine" and about a paragraph describing your interpretation to alejandra@imaginaledesign.com -- Read more about it here.
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