Day 36: A Single Strand

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yet another photo with Meg Chambers. What I love about Meg is how she pushed me to play with light. We decided to pull out a flashlight one night and just discover the different images we'd come up with. There's a few more I would like to feature because they have such a strong feminine feature - just like Meg.

I absolutely love how this single strand of hair is the focus of the image and how the strand of light wraps around the curl. It is so natural, unrestricted, unruly, and... so feminine. Meg has her eyes closed, looking down, almost blending in with the darkness. There is a peace to her and a peace to the single strand of hair in the spotlight. I can't put my finger on it ... but I just really love this.

This one is to those with unruly hair. When that beautiful mess steals your spotlight because you simply can't tame it. To those times when nature decides for you and sometimes... sometimes it gets it right. Those few times that something so natural can be okay :) Thank you Meg for your awesome presence, guidance, and rocking hair.

Do you have a different interpretation?

"Nobody knows enough, but many know too much." -Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian author
To participate in my 100 day challenge, submit your photo representing your interpretation of "feminine" and about a paragraph describing your interpretation to -- Read more about it here.


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