Day 34: Blah

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Went from "flying high" to literally crashing.

Where to start? Jose got a stomach bug this past weekend and of course, I went to his place and took care of him. Yesterday was great because he was finally feeling better. And then -- yes -- apparently we share everything because the bug hit me. Unfortunately, it hit me HARD and I've never, ever felt this sick. By sick, I mean I have not had any food or solids in my system all day and my body wouldn't accept liquids either. None.

Why am I posting this now? Well, I finally spoke with an Emory nurse who told me "STOP drinking the fluids! Your stomach can't handle it." I kind of thought she was crazy because how would I rehydrate? I could barely walk and now I would just eat ice for the next few hours? Apparently that was the plan and was told to only chew ice for the next 3 hours. Crazy lady was right. I managed to finally sleep for a few hours, and though I can hardly walk... I'm sipping on gatorade now, finally. Okay, okay, she actually told me I sound like I needed to go to the ER because I was already dehydrated, but I wanted to try the ice thing first. And it worked... for now.

So to those "blah" days that both males and females have:

Ugh. I feel awful.

"Influence: What you think you have until you try to use it." -Joan Welsh, American aphorist
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