Day 10: Like a Natural...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ack! I'm 20 minutes away from it being tomorrow! I got this idea really late simply because today was a busy day and I wasn't home until a couple of hours ago. Then I was REALLY cold trying to get this shot and it wouldn't even focus on me! Oh well... I think you will get the idea :)

Right before bed, we wash our face or sometimes shower and try to rinse out the complexities of the day that is often times matted with our make-up. Clean with no mask to feel pretty behind, yet utterly refreshed. "Because you make me feel like a natural... woman."

Random fact about me: I hate the feeling of wet, dripping hair on my shoulders unless I'm at the beach or coming out of the pool. I was shivering trying to get the timer right and the tripod to work with me. I considered giving you the good ole' turban-towel look. Almost. But that wouldn't quite give the same effect :) We have another featured post coming up!


"There are a lot of women who live with pot-bellied pigs." -Catherine Zeta-Jones, statuesque screen presence

To participate in my 100 day challenge, submit your photo representing your interpretation of "feminine" and about a paragraph describing your interpretation to -- Read more about it here.


  1. I sort of like that it didn't focus on adds to the sense of "fatigue" in the picture. Well done, sweetie.


  2. The fatigue was definitely not an act... and yeah, I think I like the out of focus better :) Thank you love!

  3. hahaha....i was just about to say the same thing jose. but that i like the focus being on the shower because i felt it represented the natural beauty of a woman, the soothing warm running water at the end of a LONG day...speaking of, ive got a hot date with my shower! ha, get it?!

  4. You silly girl, haha :) I ALWAYS have hot dates with my shower... I would even say *steamy*!! ;) Hahaha, ok we're dorks.



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