
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Help Baby B

.. I want to share a special project with you all.

Meet Baby B. The thing is, you'll only read about Baby Baca's story... because our goal is to one day meet him/her in person. Lauren and Nick (The Baca's), have entered the journey of baby adoption. And if you know anything about adoption, you know that aside from making some very tough decisions, you are also hit with a scary fee.

I spent a few nights thinking about how Jose and I could help. Like, really help. And then it hit me. I'd like to offer you a gift in return for gifting them. Instead of "mini-sessions," I'd like to offer you all a full hour for a family, engagement, or portrait session for $250. For every session booked (there are only 10 open spots), I will give $100 of that directly to the Baca's. That means that together we can help the Baca's receive $1,000 for Baby B. Let's do this! :)

If you'd like to be a part of this, feel free to contact me by filling this out -- the graphic below will provide more information:

So if you were already thinking about your Christmas photos -- well here's your chance! You can follow Lauren's stories on her blog "Where Are you Baby B?" And one day, I can't wait to meet that precious baby :)


  1. Any chance you're coming back to Dallas? :) (hopeful smile!)

  2. Mayyybe :) I'm considering November if I can second shoot some weddings out there... ;)

  3. Please definitely keep me posted!
