
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Before and After: Color Splash Edit

Every now and then I'm inspired to do a "crazier" edit. Some of you have requested that I show my "before" picture along with my edited one.

SOOC (means Straight Out of Camera)

My edit in Lightroom

And a post-production edit in Photoshop

Clearly I only do these to fashion, editorial, or personal-art images. Next time I will feature a typical photo session... in other words, a more tamed photo... with the SOOC (before) image along with the edited one ;)

Do you like this series? What do you think of the edit? Let me know if you have any q's! :)


  1. how do you do it!? (if you don't mind me asking!) x

  2. how do you do it!? (if you don't mind me asking!) x

  3. hey, my name is chad, i kind of used your picture without permission, only now found out your original link, if you want me to remove it, plz say so :) btw, i dont have an account on this site, so message me on deviantart, or i'll continuously check back on this website

  4. once again, thanks for the permission ^-^ ~chad
