
Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm already talking Christmas...

I know some of you have problems with people who are already decorating for Christmas and it isn't even THANKSGIVING!

Ok -- it used to freak me out when CVS went from selling Halloween Candy one day to Christmas balls the very next day! But the issue isn't the decor itself... just how ridiculously fast time can pass. It scares me too, feeling like my kid will be 2 one day and celebrating her quinceaƱera the next. I don't have kids. See my point?

However, there are many firsts this year: I'm a newlywed (since May!), my first time living without roommates = complete access to home decor (apparently husband DOES have opinion, dang it), and finally decorating for a Holiday! I've never, ever, decorated for any Holidays because I would go home to Texas or celebrate with Jose's family in Alabama. And because crafting takes time, I have to start now!

Color palette:

Very necessary for those "ooooh, that's cute! I could probably make it work" shoppers (i.e. me).

Oh wait. I did say budget, didn't I? Dang. Budget: $130. That will definitely turn the "that could work" shopping to "will this REALLY work?"

That color palette probably looks strange BUT, it's working with my budget. As some of you may remember, my wedding colors were red & teal. You can imagine how MANY teal and red home accessories I have from the wedding. I will explain the other colors with pictures.

I love clustering whites and ivories (or champagne) colored items. Definitely adds to the "white" Christmas feel. I will probably do this with the dining table and use teal as an accent color.

Another example:

We have a fireplace!! Ok, can I just tell you how wack that is? When we first looked up places to live in Phoenix, EVERY unit, townhouse, and apartment had a fireplace in it! Oh well, I'm happy about it :)

I'm a fan of the whimsy..

Garlands are pretty popular for weddings, parties, and overall decor. I'm considering making a snow flake one.

A more sophisticated approach...

A quirky, Ale approach:

And let me tell you about the projects I'm going to take on. Clustering Christmas balls!!

How cool?! I'm going to hit up Goodwill and the dollar stores to collect as many to attempt making a wreath.

Orrrrr... a chandelier!

Probably not. That looks way intense. But it still makes me excited.

Mismatched plates for table setting. Again -- Goodwill, here I come.

And last, I'm not a fan of the plaid, but I'm a fan of the concept:

Fabric balls! Get some beautiful fabric, styrofoam balls, and they would make a cool coffee-table centerpiece, don't you think?!

Hope that gave you some inspiration and ideas! I'm actually really excited about decorating because not only is it our first Christmas, but my BROTHER is coming into town to celebrate with us!! Yay! I'll keep y'all updated on the actual progress.

I'm curious -- will you be having a real, fake, or no tree this Christmas? Apparently there's this thing here in Phoenix where you can get a license to cut down your OWN Christmas tree. And I'm not talking palm trees here!! REAL trees! We are thinking of doing it :) Happy Friday!


  1. Goodwill is where it's at for cheap Christmas decor! Especially the glass for your table. I'm putting together a centerpiece for our dining table with empty mason jars, wine bottles and an assortment of candle holders/vases from Goodwill (all for under $5!!) I'm excited to see what you put together :)

  2. Lauren -- under $5?! My Goodwill is a bit expensive then, haha. Some of the large vases were $4.99 so I'm going to wait for this Saturday when everything is HALF off!! I love the idea of clustering the glass with candles! Awesome idea ;)

    Meghan- YES! Same thing when registering, haha. Though this time when I went shopping Jose just wanted us to agree on a budget and is leaving me to pick out the decor.

    You should definitely have trees throughout the house!! That's a great idea!! Our place is too small for that, but I'm super excited about decorating our first tree :) :)

  3. This post makes me miss you so much! I keep thinking that if you were here, we could be making Christmas decorations together! I LOVE the wreath idea, and I especially love your color scheme.

  4. Lauren -- under $5?! My Goodwill is a bit expensive then, haha. Some of the large vases were $4.99 so I'm going to wait for this Saturday when everything is HALF off!! I love the idea of clustering the glass with candles! Awesome idea ;)

    Meghan- YES! Same thing when registering, haha. Though this time when I went shopping Jose just wanted us to agree on a budget and is leaving me to pick out the decor.

    You should definitely have trees throughout the house!! That's a great idea!! Our place is too small for that, but I'm super excited about decorating our first tree :) :)
