
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Week Before

Along with the chaos of moving out of Atlanta, leaving my friends and job, and driving to Dallas, Texas in preparation for the wedding -- there was another hectic event: The Week Before.

Jose's family is unbelievable. Seriously. They reserved a hotel in Houston (where we were getting married) for the entire week before the day. Knowing that I was in Atlanta and going crazy with my crafty-self, they set a whole week aside to finish all of the last details before Sunday.

We started the week with Jasmine's birthday and the rest of the days became Crafting-Central. Michael's & Hobby Lobby had a baby in our living room. The step-children Dollar Store and Dollar General also came for a visit. Gotta do what you gotta do!

For all of their dedication, hot glue burns, late night crafting, and simply outpouring their support for Jose and I -- I made a little video. Loaded with Jose's point and shoot, I brought it out to remember that week :)

Make sure it has LOADED all the way first before watching!

Again, I'm so thankful to all of my friends who helped with the wedding and were so supportive during the entire process! However, I couldn't have gotten all of my centerpieces and even the most smallest details done without the help of Jose's family that last week. I love y'all so much :)

I'll be posting more of Raya Carlisle's photos from the wedding later! Jose and I went through to pick our favorites this past week and had to make them smaller to be able to post online. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute video! I especially love the intro. I hope to see some posts on the DIY projects you made! From the little I could see, they looked great!
