Heart of Many Colors

Friday, October 29, 2010

To be honest, I was kind of avoiding this post. I felt guilty because in the back of my mind I KNEW I had said I would post my notes on Jasmine Star's workshop. Little did I know I would end up with 4 word documents of notes!

Fortunately, I'm an organized note taker! Though Jose might refer to my note-taking as an "organized mess." Looking back on these notes a month after the event is really refreshing! For those of you starting a photography business, those who already have one, and even those who simply have an interest in photography will walk away with a LOT after reading these notes. Goodness, this woman is gooood!

Let's look at the topics I will cover from the workshop:

A J* Wedding Walk-Through: Literally a walk through of Jasmine Star's workday
Roles of a Second Shooter: The Dos and Donts of Second Shooting
Posing & Lighting: Ideas and tips for posing your Clients
In J*'s Bag: Jasmine breaks down what lenses she uses for the wedding day & why
Marketing & Branding: You just don't want to miss this. The MEAT of photography business
The Business & Wrap Up: Some brief guidelines on business strategies & a last over-view on what we learned.


So, Happy Halloween!

We are having a "mask" theme Halloween party tomorrow night and let's just say my costume is an interpretation of that. You'll see. Unlike last year, I waited last minute this time and most of my costume will be DIY! Ha. I'll definitely share it with you after this weekend :) Just cross your fingers it turns out okay.

I love listening to Sara Bareilles and while I was listening to a particular song of hers, I was inspired to do this:

Jose is helping us out at Cornerstone for the Fall Festival on Sunday where we're setting up a photo station for families to have formal portraits of their kids' Halloween costumes. Anyway, I found this photo of me when he was getting some test shots on my camera yesterday and decided to play with it. Haven't done a graphic project in a while and GEEZ -- I forget how time consuming they can be!

Let me know if you're interested in the Jasmine Star note write-up so that I know whether to post all of those topics, or only 1 or 2. Have fun this weekend! If you're dressing up, I'd love to hear about it! And seriously... I just can't get myself to spend more than $20 on a Halloween Costume. Talk about pushing creativity.. :)


Babies & Children: Joshua Hanson

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I heard Sophie's high-pitched barks as I walked up to the door. When I walked in Kristin was scrambling to grab the tiny dog and keep her from waking Joshua up. We had wanted to eat lunch before starting the photoshoot while Joshua napped, but Sophie had plans of her own. Luckily, Joshua seemed unbothered by Sophie's cries.

Kristin is our small group's Martha Stewart. She loves to bake, she's crafty, and she's always taking care of us (usually involves food ;). Her and her husband Derek lead our small group and have the most hilarious toddler -- Joshua. I was pretty excited to do a session with her and Joshua on her fall break because he is old enough to play, get in trouble, and act like most children over the age of 1: chaotic! However, children -- unlike newborns -- require trust. They can't see you as this scary adult that is stalking them with a big, boxy gadget in front of your face. Otherwise they'll just keep running away from you! God has blessed me with an obsession of children and babies, so even if I didn't have a camera, I'm pretty sure I could spend hours with Joshua just playing. Most kids think I'm just a taller kid, which makes sense because I'm definitely a shorty ;)

Here he is waking up from his nap. I LOVE, LOVE how he's only covering one eye. Curiosity and shyness at it's best :)

I had a little helper following me around...

When it was time to eat, Kristin asked him to pray. How can you not LOVE children when you see this?!

I LOVE what I do. Drooling, combining clapping with praying, soggy diapers, an even soggier kiss, plastic microphones, wispy hair, a soft belly, cookie crumbles, the similarities between child and parent, and the smallest moments of absolute bliss. These are the moments and details I want people to remember...

Yes, this one stopped me in my tracks:

And that was my beautiful day with Joshua Hanson :)

View the slideshow HERE.


Saying No

Monday, October 25, 2010

I pulled my laptop out of my bag and set it on the library's table. Then I pulled out a paper that was folded over too many times with names -- photographer's names.

The moment was finally here. My website was finished and my next step needed to happen soon. I glanced over to see the few people sprinkled around the library's 5th floor. I prayed that some kind of amazing e-mail would magically fire out of my fingers as I opened my inbox. Instead, I kept losing focus by watching people around me. Where do I start?

Finally, I picked an e-mail from the list of Arizona photographers I admired and started my message. Debating my words, my tone, and even my own ability -- I completed the message. When it came to wedding photography, I knew that I needed to start making connections and start reaching out to established photographers here. Weddings aren't like children, couples, or individuals. A wedding is a moment that passes without the ability to say "Wait! Do this one more time, but try looking at each other." You can't repeat the first look, the first kiss, the father holding back tears when he lets go of his daughter's hand. It was time for me to introduce myself to this community, put myself out there, and gain even more experience in that particular field.

I held my breath and hit send. Of course, with positive responses came rejection. Swallowing back my insecurity, I realized how hard this was going to be. Because many of the photographers I was contacting were already well-established -- they already had their set of assistants. I knew this ahead of time, but I was hoping that there would be that one. A photographer who I would connect with on a personal level AND would "happen" to be looking for a second shooter and the doors would magically open to the Arizona photography world.

Clearly, that was (and is) not the case. Being new to the city would mean a LOT of patience and faith. Six e-mails later, I shut the laptop and exited the library leaving behind a piece of hope to accompany the pieces of gum that made rainbows under the tables. Tomorrow will be another day...

Waking up with the realization that only *I* could move things forward, I decided to take more pro-active steps. I couldn't just wait on e-mail responses. I joined a photography group at church, I made connections with the families in my small group, and continued to put myself out there. In my mind I wanted the waiting to be over with, but waiting didn't have to feel empty. And then... I received an e-mail about working with a photographer.

This photographer does fashion, wedding, babies, couples .... and does them good. I was excited at the idea of working with this individual, even though it was more of a "testing" than a solid position. After agreeing, I asked what I would be working on and was informed that my tasks would involve marketing and bringing in new business for their photography.

I ignored my hesitation and started typing away a response about my schedule and setting everything up. Umm, hello Alejandra, FINISH this e-mail! I couldn't. I had prayed for God to guide the choices I made, and why was I getting the feeling he was blowing up my phone?! My hypothetical phone, obviously. I realized that I am COMPLETELY okay doing administrative work for a very successful photographer in return for experience and exposure. However, how could I suddenly dedicate my time to growing someone's business when that is exactly what I am trying to do with mine? How could I give up the ties and personal relationships I'm making as a new resident so quickly to someone else?

And I realized.... sometimes an opportunity means saying no. Even to the first one you receive.

I am hungry. Like -- I'm seriously ready to hit the pavement RUNNING. Every opportunity I have received to photograph (here in Phoenix) has been a gift to me. I relish in what I do and getting it in bits and pieces has been like smelling funnel cake at the dentist. I'm craving it and must find discipline in the waiting (and wondering WHERE IS IT?!). However, I can't give up my integrity and forsake my photography for a chance to get more experience -- even if that means being on my own for a little longer.

I finally replied to the e-mail. I managed to get through the words that would solidify my decision to be true to myself and my business. And as I shut this door, I will sit on the doorstep and wait for the next one. Because I have to believe that I will succeed being true to myself, no matter how long I wait for the doors to open.


Babies: Declan Handley

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thirty minutes away. That might not sound like a very far distance, but to Jose and I -- we were considering not attending Cornerstone (church) because of how far it was. Having just moved here, I heard about Cornerstone online and it reminded me a lot of our very-missed, old church in Atlanta -- Buckhead Church.

After a couple of visits, we liked it, but didn't have any solid feelings about it. Until they came a long. Who is they? Well, we signed up for small groups almost immediately because we were excited to meet other married couples and connect on more than a social level. We didn't hear anything back that first week, so we started to consider trying a new church. Then...

Two weeks later we got a call from Kristin Hanson. You'll hear more about her later (here's a peek at her cutie). She invited us to their small group and all it took was one visit. We were hooked. The funny thing is that we had made plans to visit another church, but Jose and I didn't want to leave our small group. We decided to stay with Cornerstone and our decision was affirmed the more we attended! The worship service is incredible!!

I met Katie at our small group, along with her husband Mark, and baby Declan. They invited us to lunch one day after church, and they were a reminder of the amazing community Jose and I have received from our group. I'm definitely lucky to have met a group of amazing women who I can grow with here in Arizona. Obviously it wasn't very long until I got that cutie Declan in front of my lens! He has the BEST coo's! You'll notice that in the photos the way his mouth curves it's "coo's."

Unfortunately Mark was out of town for work, but I'm sure we'll have another round when Declan is a toddler with all three :)

I don't think Katie was expecting me to share this one...

but too hard to resist! ;)

His faces truly cracked me up! I'll give you my interpretations:

"Um, whatever was on my tongue -- not good. Is it sill there?"

There may or may not have been squealing when I uploaded these two on my laptop..

Beautiful :)

Hi there :)

And the coo's!!!!

"Did... did you just squeal? She's a strange one, this girl."

Thank you Katie for sharing these moments with me and allowing me to share my own passion with you and Declan.


Babies: Interruption

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I interrupt your daily schedule for a glimpse at the torture I'm going through not showing you the rest of these...

I'm going to his mom's house in an hour to share the final images but I couldn't hold back from sharing!!! A-dor-a-BUL!! I know, it's adorable. But you have to say it that way... because it makes you feel his cuteness :)

Now you may go back to your daily doings!


My Suitcase and I

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Same game as last time. Taken with my iphone, and hopefully will remind or make you think of a quote:

"Maybe I'm dreaming you. Maybe you're dreaming me; maybe we only exist in each other's dreams and every morning when we wake up we forget all about each other."
-Time Traveler's Wife

Last time we played Jasmine sent me not only a great quote, but the quote on the photo!

Check it out:

"Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so." -David Gayson

LOVE it!

Now it's your turn!

I might do more photos inspired by The Time Traveler's Wife. It was so hard to choose just one quote.


The Faces of Jose

Friday, October 15, 2010

The day was blistering hot, as most days were in Arizona the month of August. Having rented the 35mm 1.4 lens for a couple I had shot the day before, I wanted to take advantage of my last day with it.

When a friend canceled last minute, I turned to Jose. Without saying a word, he shook his head and I knew that meant: "I don't have a choice, do I?" This isn't the first time this has happened, and it clearly won't be the last! :) Two things automatically happen when you date/marry a photographer: 1) you become a subject more than once 2) you learn to use an SLR.

We found some shade from the INTENSE heat and this was so much fun that I actually ended up with a lot of photos to choose from. For today I'm only sharing with you the faces this boy gives me.

I suppose I should be thankful for variety ;)

Look Meghan! EYES! :)

I heart his freckles and beady eyes.

This is his little kid face.

Hahaha. YES!!! Tell me that isn't identical! :) Sorry love, I had to!

This couldn't be more proof that I'm not the only one who laughs at my jokes!

Look at that fierceness! I've gotten this look when I've dropped his iPhone.

And this is from the set I'll be showing you next week!

Mostly I'm just thankful for a patient husband :)

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